
(2021-2019) Property Market in Kurdistan Region of Iraq; Price Trends


The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) Property Market Report, including a survey, followed by several meetings of counselling and planning at the Rudaw Research Center. The report was accomplished by efforts and supervision of our colleague, Mahmood Baban and his team. It provides detailed information on the price trend in the KRI real estate market This helps to outline a variety of questions about this significant sector, such as whether the amount of investment in the construction sector is appropriate regarding investment in other sectors, and what is supply and demand relationship is in this market. According to many of the polling participants, most of the trade in this sector are between a prominent class of Arab businesspersons and citizens, and there is no strong opinion that the large and vibrant housing projects have solved the residential issue in the Kurdistan Region. According to this study, there is a surprising difference in prices between the streets of the town, some of which are only a few hundred meters away. This can be a sign of impropriate growth and uneven development. Therefore, the report outlines the social and political aspects of the property market in the region alongside the dynamics of the real estate market in KRI.

The real estate sector has an important position in the economy of each country. As it can bring a boost to the capital, banking sector, municipalities and the rest of the economy. It has an undeniable role in raising investment opportunities and the generation of wealth and access to finance. This, like most other economic and financial activities, has a tight relationship with politics and the general situation Therefore the construction sector and property market should have significant places in politics and governance. Of course, overspending in the construction sector and ignoring other sectors will lead to impropriate development in the whole economy of the region.

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